
Inspiration: Lyme And Life

Always advocate for yourself. I spent four months trying to figure out a plethora of symptoms to learn I have and have had Lyme for a while while being dismissed by a host of doctors (and unfortunately some friends). Truth is, some of the symptoms started three years ago. Lyme can mimic some very serious…

Inspiration: The water bug’s shadow

I watched the sun’s shadow of a traveling water bug in the clear waters of this river while butterflies were dancing and the brook was babbling. Take time for yourself.

Inspiration- Moon Exchange

Happiness is a friend sending me a picture of the moon to remind me that no matter how far apart we are we can see the same moon together. Pause just long enough from the challenges of your day to appreciate what’s right in front of you even when it feels so far away. A…

Inspiration- Morning Moon

I have so much to learn about the universe – both literally and figuratively. Finding a piece of the moon just beyond reach of my favorite magnolia raised my curiosity to learn more. I don’t recall ever seeing it there. A moment later the sun took center stage highlighting the forest with a range of…

Inspiration: Transitions

I usually select one sunrise picture to share but today I thought about the beauty in its transition. Notice how the second shot is not as vibrant as the first or third although they were taken in sequence. It reminded me of how much I learn from both life’s ups and downs. To look at…

Inspiration- Gratitude Journaling

At my stage in life there are great benefits and epiphanies I wish I could share with my younger self. The value of allowing yourself to pause but for a minute and see, appreciate and remember a lovely scene. The benefits go so far beyond the obvious and yet so hard to describe. My choosing…

Inspiration- Connecticut Christmas Sunset

I had to rush out of the house to make an appointment. I kept running up and down the stairs to grab the keys or my phone. As I scurried I noticed the beautiful colors of the sunset complementing the neighbors Christmas tree reflecting in their pond. I grabbed my camera and took some shots…

Inspiration: Tomorrow’s Yesterday

Revelations increase with age. You recognize that what you experienced before helps you now. Its a sudden flashback that produces a dramatic moment of enlightenment. Value every yesterday as they’ll benefit your tomorrow.

Inspiration- Leaves of Change

My perspective may be different from most as professionally I seek to improve processes in jeopardy and thus embrace change. Fall is likely one of my favorite times of year. It’s natures reminder that while the past can impact the present it is behind us with the opportunity to learn from it. Why is the…

Inspiration- A New Dawn

Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn. Ralph Waldo Emerson Tod’s Point, October 2021 A special capture with a wonderful friend who taught me to find miracles everywhere if I just took the time to look.

Inspiration: Human Doing

Inspiration can come from a variety of places. If you pause and take in your surroundings suddenly “it” appears. While focused on work I received a message from a beautiful young colleague sharing a song she wrote, sings and compiled – Human Doing. It immediately made me relax and reset and I was better prepared…

Inspiration- Wizardry

Knock, knock, I’m looking for the great and powerful wizard! Remember to bring out the wizard in you! You’re stronger than you may think. Share your wisdom; strengthen it by learning from others. Enjoy yourself through the journey. Saville Dam, Barkhamsted, CT, September 2021


Inspiration: A Natural Work of Art

An imperfect sunset resulted in a work of art. I’m grateful I paused. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT, August 2021

Inspiration: Restart with Balance

Each morning I recognize as an opportunity. I think that’s the first step to finding it. The opportunity can otherwise be easily missed. I’ve learned to find it almost anywhere I am. Get up! Cease the opportunity.


Inspiration: Dancing Flowers

I worked in a park this evening heads down to the laptop when colors reflected on the screen. I picked up my camera beneath my feet and turned to the garden flowers dancing in the front row for tonight’s magical sunset. Ballard Park, Ridgefield, CT, August 2021

Inspiration: Rejuvenation

My work day starts early. I’ve learned to schedule a 10 minute work break at the time of the morning sunrise. It’s different every day in so many ways: The time it rises; The placement of the sun; The colors of the sky; The reflections of the light; the shapes of the clouds. It rejuvenates…


Inspiration: Amber Glow Amidst the Snow

I often read poetry about the purity of the snow but it hadn’t resonated as much as it does now. There is something so relaxing to watch it fall so softly. It hides all the imperfections beneath it. It provides a canvas on which to shine a glimmer of hope. You don’t need to go…


Inspiration: Snow Glows

It was a winter wonderland for two stormy days with over a foot of snow accumulating. I was distracted from work when the sun finally appeared. The trees cast its shadows on the untouched white drifts. When I want to really see what’s around me I pick up my camera. It’s much more deliberate -…


Inspiration: Take In and Take Out!

In Stamford, Norwalk and Fairfield I can find the best Pho-Ga soup there is at Mecha Noodle. This works great in the winter months as each are relatively near a shoreline for a car picnic with a view! (Go with it, got to get creative with this pandemic 🙂 For those that know me, I…

Inspirations: Holocaust Remembrance Day

In honor of Holocaust Remembrance day I recall my mother, who together with her sister were hidden in a Catholic school in southern France as children of the Holocaust. As recently as 2016 I found the below picture within a French article which happened to include a picture of my mother and her sister (top…


Inspiration: Backyard Pivot

This morning I spilled my morning coffee on my puffy white robe and cream colored couch. I tripped over my dog as he searched for his toy. I burnt my toast while cleaning the couch. I then grew disappointed that I missed driving to find a sunrise by the shore and was uncertain what to…

Inspiration: 20th Anniversary- Remembering 9/11 (Westport CT)

This terrorist attack was certainly one where everyone likely remembers where they were. I was facilitating a meeting at a Bank a few blocks away from the World Trade Center. A participant working from home shared that it appeared a plane may have crashed into the World Trade Center. Having grown up in NYC as…


Inspiration: Whistle Near the Blindman

The title of this blog is not my own. When I was in my teens my boyfriend shared he one day wanted to write a book with this title. He felt that folks needed to be reminded and/or taught that even with only sparing a moment you can support someone else. He thought that perhaps…


Inspiration: Dancing Trees

At first I felt awkward going on some of my outdoor adventures on my own. I realized, however, that if I approached it a bit differently I could greatly improve the experience. I decided to make others part of the adventure through my lens. This was actually a huge and successful pivot. Now as I…

Inspiration: A Gift That Keeps on Giving

Last night was the final night of Hanukah 2020. I felt I should pause to remember the influence my father has had on me. My father told me since I was a child, “prevenir et mieux que guerir” (literally translated “prevention is better than healing”). Today with the pandemic this also easily translates to wear…

Inspiration: A Heavenly Sunrise

For those that love sunrises and sunsets, there is little more inspirational than seeing the amazing colors of nature. This sunrise at St. Mary’s by the Sea in Bridgeport unified all those present as we shared the amazing sight. November 2020 Join me to see how the sunrise will differ with the seasons.

Inspiration- Embracing the fog

Professionally, my focus has always been to create a path, overcome roadblocks and clear the fog in an effort to achieve an organizational goal. I let that bleed into my everyday approach to life which meant I was constantly trying to fix something for either myself or others. Not always a bad thing but exhausting.…


Inspiration: Suddenly I See

How I learned to pivot and pause. I started going outside and better appreciating my surroundings due to the pandemic. At first I didn’t leave my house at all, concerned for not only myself but also my family. After some time, I would work on the property around the house, then started walking the neighborhood.…

Inspiration: Finding Beauty in a World that’s Upside-down

In relation to this blog and all the places I go, I was asked, “where do you get the energy?” I thought about how to answer that question succinctly as sometimes I wonder what pushes me to go out almost everyday and find something new to see. The answer is simple yet broad. In short,…

Harvest Moon, Tod’s Point, Greenwich, CT

Inspiration: Shoot for the Moon

To take the time for yourself by being in the outdoors is a gift you give to yourself. Being present with your surroundings is an even bigger gift. Sharing with others establishes a positive connection. Sounds so simple. Not so simple. Beauty in people, places and things are sometimes easy to see and sometimes it…